Sunday, September 4, 2011

Checking In

So I know I said I'd be offline for a while but I figured I'd let the people who read this blog know what I'll be doing. I'm very excited about what I've in mind and I was originally going to wait two weeks when I had more of a collection to brag about but for now, this is what's going on: I'm going to be doing a series of photos, drawings, paintings, and journal entries entitled "Farewell Florida" (title may change). I'm going to be traveling around the state on my days off and capturing some pretty sweet places I've found in my two years here. It's something to do really, when the days start to drag, I have a day off to look forward to in which I'll be doing my all-time favorite pass time of raw discovery and nostalgic exploration. This exploration goes far beyond literal, however, and in a variety of ways:

Reading...scientific books as well as new novels that I may have missed on the shelves will be part of this. Beginning with Darwin's Origin of Species, something I've only ever read large excerpts from but never cover to cover, I want to examine certain disciplines I've been taking for granted.

Drawing... has never been a strong suit for me, however I've been doing graphite sketches and they've all come out okay.
Watercolor. I want to get back into my painting, really focusing on it instead of dabbling wet on wet scenes.

Writing. I'm writing a novel. It may take a long time, it may only take a month or two depending on my focus. I want the story to fulfill a missing part of my philosophy and for that I'd need to examine myself more closely than ever before. I also bought a quill so that I would write slower and really take in and think about the words pouring onto the page. I highly recommend it too.

I will be posting on my blog periodically, just not every day. I have to admit, no connection to the Internet opens up a lot of creative freedom and makes me want to deep sea dive into information (ironically). I'm very antsy about this project, it feels good already. The pictures are just an introduction of much more to come. Keep reading, this only gets better. Oh and listen to some good tunes I'm currently listening to:

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