Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am ancient.
satined, silked, and laced.
I dance en pointe to the hollow melody...
pianoed, violined, celloed
on repeat.
I spun with flocks of seagulls on an ancient beach
and watched your eyes turning everyday
away from me.

My eternal winter waits with me
only to view sun avoid sea.
Steady, moved, agile...patiently....

Canyons weather larger
no desire lingers to cross those summer passes.
Against the water, rivered acreage,
against the back dropped meadows and rain forests
against the mighty elements that crawl me
out of my skin
I am ancient.

Colorblind analysis of a dappled orange sunset
it was a story closing in.
Still standing,
drunken in the desert
to wait and wish for the fabled return
of the only lost friend.

Sorrow becomes the soul
trickles black rushing through flush porcelain.
Distances, distances, miles and oceans to cross
and only one misty sailor remains.
I am dust and shattered gravel
kicked up, now settled
from the day you paved your road.
In the shadows of the street lamps and echoed halls
I felt you breathe.
Knowing I'll never feel you
feeling me.

I am ancient.
Satined, silked, and laced
and dance en pointe to the hollow melody...
pianoed, violined, celloed,
on repeat.
I've spun with a flock of seagulls on an ancient beach
and watched your eyes turning everyday
away from me.

I am ancient.
To be
misplaced memory
in a future unseen
I lost.
I am ancient.

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