Friday, December 9, 2011

Farewell, Florida. There are words but at this point, what do they possibly matter? It was all a very strange dream I had once. I woke up and the world was this way. I'll fly away too someday.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I don't feel so well tonight. I just want to hide. I just want to hide. I just want to hide. I want everything to be fixed. I want to be re-born. I want to go back in time. I don't want this to hurt anymore. I just want to hide. I don't want people, I don't want anything but my books and my music. I just want all of it to get better. I can't understand anything anymore. I can't think straight. I can't find anything to connect with. I'm watching everything falling down in front of me. I just want to hide. I don't want to be here anymore. I can't breath. No one can hear me. I just want to hide.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Red Tide

...and then we all danced around the wildfire like banshees
we were crazy locomotives with flailing instruments
there was no need to tell the time
when we were howling on the dark side of the moon
through space and time
and I was on my way back to you.
Through the dunes
the violent, insanity of those goddamn dunes
we were in the middle of nowhere too
but nothing spoke as loud as my heart
so much louder now, you jumped from the dirt mounds
to the grey sea to melt quiescently
and I forced a bone down my throat.
But somehow when the bottles were crushed
and the weight of the solar star collapsed,
we were free again of our chains.
Sailing openly above crimson tides,
vacant volcanoes became our home
and I'd wake, making love underneath you.
Come at me when all is lost,
watch me burn, burn
tell me your secrets,
how you never lied.
you're the only one in the room who'd be on my side
and then whisper it all to the rock in the sky
that for a few breezes, I was there too
and then, just then, we stopped time.